Gerddi Bro Ddyfi Gardens

Support Us
There are so many ways to get involved with Gerddi Bro Ddyfi Gardens! From donating seedlings to volunteering to administration- every bit of help we get makes an amazing difference! Here are some ideas...
Volunteer with site maintenance
Like getting your hands dirty? Our large gardens require a lot of love and attention, and we're always grateful for any help we can get with site maintenance. Keep an eye out for our monthly Community Volunteer days, or send us a message if there's some kind of specific skill you'd love to share with us (woodworking, pruning, general DIY, willow weaving, construction - you name it, we can use it!). Occasionally, we need help with specific tasks, such as constructing flat pack shipping containers or installing new benches. If you would like to help with such occasional tasks, please contact us below
Join our Committee
Volunteer as a Session Coordinator
Would you like to gain work experience in a Social and Therapeutic horticulture project? We can support you to have a go leading some activities.
Do you have the skills, experience or an interest in the 'behind the scenes' work of running a charity? We'd love to hear from you! We have a wide range of tasks that we would love your help with, and we're happy to find tasks which suit your interests. This might include: fundraising (from writing grant applications to running bake sales), social media, finance, writing blogs, etc! Click here to see our trustee information pack.
Join our Market Stall team
Join our list of 'willing to be contacted'
If you always have an excess of seedlings which you would like to donate, or would simply enjoy the chance to barter with customers on a market stall, we run a series of stalls at Machynlleth town market during the spring and summer months.
Sometimes we need help with particular jobs with particular skills attached. If you have experience in any of the following we would love to add you to our list of 'willing to be contacted'. This means we would occasionally call on you for your skills and expertise:
- Welsh translation
- Heavier garden tasks e.g. moving soil or siting outdoor furniture
- Fundraising/bid writing
- Policy writing
- Event organisation