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Blog from the Gerddi Bro Ddyfi Garden

  • 0 Fioflits 24 - 25 Mehefin 2022

    • by Administrator
    • 10-06-2022
    0.00 of 0 votes

  • 0 Fioflits 24 - 25 Mehefin 2022

    • by Administrator
    • 10-06-2022
    0.00 of 0 votes

  • 0 Cylchlythyr yr Hydref

    • by Angela Paxton
    • 29-03-2022
    0.00 of 0 votes

    Annwyl ffrindiauCroeso i gylchlythyr yr hydref. Drwy gydol yr haf, mae’r gerddi a’n gwirfoddolwyr wedi bod yn brysur gyda gweithdai a digwyddiadau cymunedol a ariannwyd gan ein prosiect dan nawdd y Gronfa Gymunedol, 'Tyfu gyda'n gilydd'.  Rydyn ni wedi bod yn ffodus o gael y tywydd gorau posib i’r rhan fwyaf o’r diwrnodau hyn. Erbyn hyn, mae’r hydref wedi cyrraedd ac rydyn ni’n mwynhau’r tymor tawelach a mwy myfyrgar yma. Mae uchafbwyntiau’r cylchlythyr hwn yn cynnwys adroddiadau am ddigwyddiadau cymunedol, enillwyr ein Cystadleuaeth Ffotograffiaeth i’r haf a phenodi Cydlynydd Gwirfoddolwyr Cynorthwyol newydd.    Gweithdai Cymunedol Mae gweithdai dros yr haf a’r hydref wedi cynnwys Chwarae Synhwyraidd ar y thema Gweirgloddiau, Lliwio Naturiol, Ffotograffiaeth a Garddio Hinsawdd-Gyfeillgar (gweler isod). Rydyn ni’n dal i ofyn i gyfranogwyr ddod â mygydau ar gyfer unrhyw waith dan do neu agos a chadw pellter cymdeithasol oddi wrth bobl eraill – diolch i bawb am eich cydweithrediad ynglŷn â hyn.  Chwilio am ysbrydoliaeth yn y gweithdy ffotograffiaeth gyda Jean Napier MA. Wythnos Hinsawdd CymruBu gwirfoddolwyr o Erddi Bro Ddyfi yn cymryd rhan mewn 3 digwyddiad fel rhan o wythnos Hinsawdd Cymru. Cafwyd stondin wybodaeth yn y digwyddiad Ein Cymuned, Ein Hinsawdd 19 Medi, gweithdy Garddio Hinsawdd-Gyfeillgar gyda’r awdur Kim Stoddart 23 Medi a Gŵyl Cynhaeaf y Coed (gweler isod) 26 Medi, i ddathlu ein coed lleol a chynhaeaf eu cnydau.    Rhoddodd Kim Stoddart gyngor ar wneud gerddi’n fwy cydnerth yn wyneb newid yn yr hinsawdd.  Digwyddiadau CymunedolMae digwyddiadau cymunedol yn y gerddi wedi cynnwys Ffair Bladuro, Gŵyl Beillwyr a Gŵyl Cynhaeaf y Coed. Mae llawer o ymwelwyr wedi dweud faint maen nhw wedi mwynhau gallu dod draw i’r digwyddiadau bach hyn yn yr awyr agored.  Ar ddiwrnod heulog y Ffair Bladuro roedd cymysgedd ardderchog o bladurwyr profiadol a newydd gynnon ni a llwyddon ni i bladuro a chribinio bron y cwbwl o’r weirglodd. Hefyd, dysgon ni sut i ddefnyddio 'bachyn a chrwcyn' i dorri ymylon lletchwith. Rydyn ni wedi cynnal gweithdai bywyd gwyllt a chelf i blant yn yr Ŵyl Beillwyr a Gŵyl Cynhaeaf y Coed gyda cherddoriaeth wych gan y cerddorion lleol Zaffiro Band a Sunshine Jazz Band. Daeth pobl â’u hafalau eu hunain i’w torri, eu stwnsio a’u gwasgu’n sudd ar ddiwrnod Gŵyl Cynhaeaf y Coed oedd yn llawer o hwyl.  Stwnsio afalau yng Ngŵyl Cynhaeaf  y Coed cyn eu gwasgu’n sudd blasus. Sunshine Jazz, crefftau’r hydref a theisen eirin Sbaen yng Ngŵyl Cynhaeaf y Coed. Daeth y dyfwraig leol Lynn Williams â dau flyched o sudd afal wedi'i basteureiddio a wnaed o’r ffrwythau y mae’n eu tyfu’n lleol (Friddgate) ac a gafodd eu gwasgu yng Ngŵyl Cynhaeaf y Coed. Rydyn ni i gyd yn edrych ymlaen at y sudd afal bendigedig yn ein sesiynau galw heibio, yn ogystal â sudd sbeislyd cynnes ar ddiwrnodau oer.  Sudd afal Friddgate i wirfoddolwyr.  Cystadleuaeth Ffotograffiaeth yr HafDiolch yn fawr i bawb a gymerodd ran yn ein Cystadleuaeth Ffotograffiaeth yn yr haf. Cynhaliwyd seremoni wobrwyo ac arddangosfa yn y gerddi cymunedol 13 Medi. Aeth y wobr gyntaf i oedolion i David Leppard a dderbyniodd daleb £60 am bryd o fwyd gan Westy’r Wynnstay. Henry Brown a enillodd y wobr gyntaf i bobl o dan 18 oed gan dderbyn £60 gan y cwmni trydanol Bright Sparks. Aeth yr ail wobr i Siân Campion a dderbyniodd bibell ddŵr a roddwyd gan Travis Perkins a’r enillwyr a gafodd gymeradwyaeth uchel oedd Louise Smith a dderbyniodd daleb £10 gan Siop Gyfanfwyd Dyfi a Pat Leppard a dderbyniodd daleb £10 gan Blodyn Tatws. Diolch yn fawr iawn i’r holl noddwyr lleol yma.    Aeth y Wobr Gyntaf i oedolion i David Leppard am y macro-ffoto yma o’r ysgallen bengron.  Mae’r lluniau buddugol ar ein gwefan ac mewn arddangosfa fechan yn Siop Achub y Plant ym Machynlleth, er mwyn i bobl eu gwerthfawrogi a phleidleisio ar gyfer Gwobr ‘Dewis y Bobl’ – bydd yr enillydd yn derbyn taleb £10 gan Siop Lyfrau Oriel Pen'rallt a llyfr ffotograffiaeth o’i ddewis gan Jean Napier MA. Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer pleidleisio yw 15 Hydref.  Henry yn derbyn y wobr gyntaf i bobl dan 18 oed gan Mark Clive o Bright Sparks. Gwirfoddoli yn y GerddiMae gwirfoddolwyr wedi bod yn helpu efo tasgau tymhorol yn y gerddi, fel hel a chadw hadau, chwynnu, hau a phlannu. Hefyd, rydyn ni wedi dechrau clirio a chynllunio border newydd i Ardd yr Apothecari a fydd yn cynnwys collen ystwyth, helygen Mair a llysiau llesol lluosflwydd. Fel bob amser yr adeg yma o’r flwyddyn, rydyn ni’n ceisio cadw’r ddysgl yn wastad rhwng cadw’r ardd yn daclus i ymwelwyr a sicrhau bod digon o gartrefi dros y gaeaf i fywyd gwyllt hefyd, megis dail, coesynnau a phennau hadau i bryfed ac adar.  Mae cribau’r pannwr yn darparu hadau i nicos yn yr hydref. Pum Llwybr at Lesiant yng Ngerddi Bro DdyfiMae’r Pum Llwybr at Lesiant yn ganolog i’n gwaith yng Ngerddi Bro Ddyfi. Camau yw’r rhain sy’n hyrwyddo llesiant, sef Cysylltu, Bod yn Egnïol, Cymryd Sylw, Dal Ati i Ddysgu a Rhoi. Yn y gerddi cymunedol, rydyn ni’n gwneud ymdrech i gynnig yr holl lwybrau hyn at lesiant i’n gwirfoddolwyr a’n cefnogwyr. Dewch draw i sesiwn alw heibio a rhoi hwb i’ch llesiant! Mae ein sesiynau galw heibio i bawb ar ddyddiau Mawrth ac Iau o 10.30yb tan 4yp. Croeso i bawb beth bynnag yw’ch profiad a lefel eich ffitrwydd – dewch draw i gael sgwrs a phaned i weld beth rydyn ni’n ei wneud. Gweithdai’r Hydref Mae gynnon ni amryw o weithdai celf a chrefft wedi’u seilio ar natur yn yr arfaeth yn yr ychydig fisoedd nesaf, i helpu ein cymuned leol drwy ddyddiau du’r gaeaf. Bydd y gweithdai sydd ar y gweill yn cynnwys gwaith coed, ymwybyddiaeth ofalgar a gweithgareddau crefft yr hydref/gaeaf gan gynnwys addurniadau a thorchau tymhorol ar gyfer mis Tachwedd a Rhagfyr.Cadwch lygad ar ein gwefan, tudalen Facebook a chyfryngau lleol i gael y dyddiadau a gwybodaeth ddiweddaraf am y rhain. Penodi Cydlynydd Gwirfoddolwyr CynorthwyolMae gynnon ni Gydlynydd Gwirfoddolwyr Cynorthwyol newydd, Fern Towers, a ddechreuodd ym mis Awst. Ynghynt mae Fern wedi rheoli fferm ‘ofal’ organig yng Ngogledd Iwerddon ac ar hyn o bryd mae’n gwneud cwrs gradd feistr rhan-amser yng Nghanolfan y Dechnoleg Amgen mewn Bwyd Cynaliadwy ac Adnoddau Naturiol. Yn ogystal â helpu i gydlynu ein sesiynau garddio i wirfoddolwr a’n grŵp plant, mae Fern yn edrych ar syniadau codi arian i’r dyfodol ac yn mynd i ddiweddaru ein cyfrif Instagram i gyrraedd cynulleidfa ehangach. Y Cydlynydd Gwirfoddolwyr Cynorthwyol newydd, Fern (chwith) gyda’r wirfoddolwraig Rachel.  Y Grŵp PlantMae Fern wedi cymryd drosodd y grŵp plant oddi wrth Anita ac wedi bod yn arwain gweithgareddau seiliedig ar natur fel gwneud gludweithiau gwyllt a bwydwyr adar o foch coed. Bydd y grŵp plant nesaf yn digwydd ddydd Mawrth 12 Hydref am 1.30yp tan 3.30yp. Rhaid i rieni, neu warcheidwaid, aros yn y sesiwn gyda’u plant.  Gludwaith gwyllt wedi’i wneud gyda’r grŵp plant.  Grwpiau sy’n defnyddio’r gerddiMae llawer o grwpiau cymunedol wedi bod yn defnyddio’r gerddi ar gyfer gweithgareddau, gan gynnwys Grŵp Bioamrywiaeth Machynlleth, Drymio Band Samba, Y Clwb Gwyddbwyll, digwyddiad ‘Byd o Flodau Gwyllt’ a grŵp theatr cymunedol a lwyfannodd ddrama, All the World’s a Stage, gyda “cherddoriaeth, chwerthin a Shakespeare.” Os hoffech ddefnyddio’r gerddi ar gyfer gweithgaredd neu ddigwyddiad, cysylltwch â ni drwy’r we-dudalen i wneud yn siŵr nad oes digwyddiad arall ar y gweill. Ni chodir unrhyw dâl i ddefnyddio’r gerddi – er bod yna groeso i gyfraniadau.  Y Clwb Gwyddbwyll Awyr Agored yn y gerddi yn yr haf eleni. Aelodau Newydd o’r PwyllgorRydyn ni’n falch o groesawu dau aelod newydd i’n pwyllgor, Sophie a Mel. Os hoffech gefnogi’r gerddi cymunedol drwy ymuno â’n pwyllgor fel aelod neu aelod cyfetholedig, dewch i gysylltiad ar bob cyfri. Mae yna lwyth o ffyrdd o helpu’r gerddi fel aelod o’r pwyllgor, o helpu i drefnu a chyhoeddi digwyddiadau, i gynllunio i’r dyfodol a chefnogi ochr weinyddol y Gerddi.Gobeithio’ch gweld chi yn fuan. Tȋm Gerddi Bro Ddyfi

  • 0 Autumn Newsletter

    • by Angela Paxton
    • 29-03-2022
    0.00 of 0 votes

    Dear friends  Welcome to the Autumn newsletter. The gardens and our volunteers have been busy with community workshops and events all summer funded by our Community Fund 'Tyfu gyda'n gilydd' / 'Growing together' project.  We have been lucky with the best of weather for most of these days. Now autumn has arrived, and we are enjoying this quieter more contemplative season. Highlights from this newsletter include reports from  community events, the winners of our Summer Photography Competition, and appointment of a new Assistant Volunteer Coordinator.    Community Workshops  Summer and autumn workshops have included Meadow Themed Sensory Play, Natural Dyeing, Photography, and Climate Friendly gardening (see below). We are still asking participants to bring masks for any undercover or close work, and to stay socially distanced from others - thank you everyone for your cooperation with this.  Looking for inspiration at the photography workshop with Jean Napier MA.Climate Cymru weekGerddi Bro Ddyfi Gardens volunteers took part in 3 events as part of Climate Cymru week. We had an information stall at the Ein Cymuned, Ein Hinsawdd / Our Community, Our Climate event on 19th September, hosted a Climate Friendly Gardening workshop with author Kim Stoddart on 23rd Sepember, and held a Tree Harvest Festival (see below) on 26th September, to celebrate our local trees and tree harvests.   Kim Stoddart gave tips on making gardens resilient to climate change. Community Events Community events in the gardens have included a Scything Fair, Pollinator Festival and a Tree Harvest Festival.  Many visitors have said how much they enjoyed being able to come along to these small outdoor events. At the sunny Scything Fair we had an excellent mix of experienced and novice scythers and managed to get nearly all the meadow scythed and raked.  We also learnt how to use a 'hook and crook' to cut awkward edges.We have had outdoor children's wildlife and art workshops at the Pollinator and Tree Harvest Festival, and fabulous music from local musicians Zaffiro Band and Sunshine Jazz Band. People brought their own apples to chop, scratter and press into juice at the Tree Harvest Festival day, which was great fun. 'Scratting' apples at the Tree harvest Festival before pressing into delicious juice.  Sunshine Jazz, autumn crafts, and damson cake at the Tree Harvest Festival.Local grower Lynn Williams brought two boxes of pasteurised apple juice, made from her local (Friddgate) fruit, which was pressed at the Tree Harvest Festival. We are all looking forward to the delicious apple juice at drop in sessions, as well as warm spiced juice on colder days. Friddgate apple juice for volunteers. Summer Photography CompetitionThank you to everyone who participated in our Summer Photography Competition. We held a prize giving ceremony and exhibition in the community gardens on 13th September.First prize for adults went to David Leppard, who received a £60 meal voucher from the Wynnstay Hotel. First prize under 18s was Henry Brown, who received £60 from electrical company Bright Sparks. Second prize went to Siân Campion, receiving a hose donated by Travis Perkins, and highly commended winners were Louise Smith, receiving a £10 voucher from Dyfi Wholefoods, and Pat Leppard, receiving a £10 voucher from Blodyn Tatws.  Thank you so much to all these local sponsors. 1st Prize for adults went to David Leppard for this macro photo of Echinops. The winning photos are on our website and in a mini exhibition in the Save the Children Shop in Machynlleth, for appreciation and voting  for the 'People's Choice' award -  the winner will receive a £10 voucher from Pen'rallt Gallery Bookshop and a photography book of choice by Jean Napier MA. The closing date for voting will be 15th October.  Henry recieves 1st prize for Under 18s from Mark Clive of Bright Sparks. Volunteering in the gardensVolunteers have been helping with seasonal jobs in the gardens, such as seed saving, weeding, sowing and planting. Also, we have  started clearing and planning a new border for the Apothecary Garden, which will feature witch hazel, bog myrtle and perennial medicinal herbs. As ever, at this time of year, we try to balance keeping the garden tidy for visitors, while ensuring there are still winter homes for wildlife too, such as leaves, stems and seedheads for insects and birds.  Teasel provides seeds for goldfinches in the autumn. Five Ways to Well Being at Gerddi Bro DdyfiThe Five Ways to Wellbeing are core to our work at GBDG. These are actions which promote wellbeing, and are: Connect, Be Active, Take Notice, Keep Learning and Give. At the community gardens we strive to offer all these ways to wellbeing for our volunteers and supporters.  Come along to a drop in session and improve your well being!  Our inclusive drop in sessions are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10.30 am to 4pm. All are welcome, whatever your experience and level of fitness, just come along for a chat and a cuppa to see what we do. Autumn workshops We have various nature based art and craft workshops coming up in the next few months, to help our local community through the darker winter days.  Upcoming workshops will include carpentry, mindfulness, and autumn/winter craft activities, including seasonal decorations and wreaths, for November and December.Keep an eye on our website, facebook page and local media to get the latest dates and information about these.Appointment of new Assistant Volunteer CoordinatorWe have a new Assistant Volunteer Coordinator, Fern Towers, who started in August. Previously Fern managed an organic 'care' farm in Northern Ireland, and is doing a part time Masters course at the Centre for Alternative Technology in Sustainable Food and Natural Resources.  As well as  helping coordinate our volunteer gardening sessions and kids' group, Fern is looking at future fundraising ideas and is going to update our Instagram account to reach a wider audience.  New Assistant Volunteer Coordinator Fern (left) with volunteer Rachel. Kids groupFern has taken over the kids' group from Anita, and has been leading nature based activities such as making wild collages, and pine cone bird feeders.  The next kids group will be on Tuesday 12th October 1.30 to 3.30pm.  Parents or guardians need to stay at the session with their children.  A wild collage made at the kids' group. Groups using the gardensMany community groups have been using the gardens for activities, including Machynlleth Biodiversity Group, Samba Band Drumming, Chess Club, a 'World of Wildflowers' event, and a community theatre group which put on a play: All the World's a Stage, with "music, laughter and Shakespeare". If you would like to use the gardens for an activity or event, do please get in touch through the webpage - to check there isn't another event going on. There is no charge to use the gardens - although donations are welcome.  Outdoor Chess Club in the gardens this summer. New Committee MembersWe are pleased to welcome two new members to our committee, Sophie and Mel. If you would like to support the community gardens by joining our committee as a member or co-opted member, do please get in touch. There are lots of ways to help the gardens as a committee member, from helping organise, publicise and set up events, to planning for the future, and supporting the administrative side of Gerddi.  We hope to see you soon, Gerddi Bro Ddyfi Gardens Team

  • 0 Summer Photography Competition Winners and People's Choice award.

    • by Angela Paxton
    • 17-09-2021
    5.00 of 1 votes

    We had a prize giving event for winners of the Summer Photography Competition, on Thursday 16th September. Winners were awarded their prizes by local business owners and judges of the competition. GBDG held two free photography workshops in the community gardens in August, with Jean Napier MA, to give budding photographers tips and practice on how to take good pictures. First prize for adults went to David Leppard, who received a £60 meal voucher from Charles Dark for the Wynnstay Hotel. First prize for under 18s was Henry Brown, who received £60 from Mark Clive of local electrical company Bright Sparks. Second prize went to Siân Campion, winning a hose donated by Travis Perkins. Highly commended winners were Louise Smith, who received a £10 voucher from Jonathan Gross from Dyfi Wholefoods, and Pat Leppard, who received a £10 voucher from Mair Tomos of Blodyn Tatws.  You can vote for the ‘People’s Choice’ award, from of the winning photos, which are on display in the Save the Children shop, and on the noticeboard of the Hospice Shop.   Vote A for David’s Echinops ritro macro photograph, B for Siân’s Echinops photo, C for Pat’s Echinacea macro photo, D for Louise’s Echinacea with bee, E for Henry’s poppy. See separate Blog Entries.  The ‘People’s Choice’ winner will receive a £10 voucher from Pen'rallt Gallery Bookshop and a photography book of choice by Jean Napier MA. Closing date for voting will be 15th October. The judges for the competition were Jean Napier MA, professional photographer and lecturer, Geoff Young of the Pen’rallt Gallery Bookshop, and Kiran Ingham, photographer and film maker.